
We prefer Vue js
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We prefer ASP.NET CORE WEB API or Azure functions
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We prefer one of these: Event Store, Cosmos DB, Miscrosoft SQL, MongoDB, Couchbase, Redis Cache
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Service bus
We prefer Rebus
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IOC Container
We prefer Autofac
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Test Framework
We prefer these: Cypress Jest XUnit XBehave
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What is the right technology and does it matter?


In the slideshow above we have listed our preferred technologies. But that by no means mean that we couldn’t have chosen otherwise. Historically Microsoft has been the dominant player in Denmark where Strategic Boundaries are founded; so that’s why we have most experience in .NET C# and not JAVA. But those languages are actually quite similar and I’m confident we could quickly ramp up and become efficient in JAVA. But of cause all the hands on experience we have with the .NET stack  makes it our preferred Object Oriented language.


The Same goes for Cloud Providers. We have spent most hours with Azure and that makes it our preferred Cloud provider.

Polyglot technology

Having said this we believe in a polyglot stack. Choose the technology or framework that fits the job. The most important thing to know is not the specific technology or framework or language, but the underlying  principles and patterns.

Principles over specific technology

We can work with different servicebuses and with different cloud providers. The important thing here is that we know what, for instance “at least once delivery” means for a messaging technology. How do you implement a publish subscribe pattern? Doing this is possible in any serious Cloud provider. Google Cloud, AWS or Azure.

When recruiting and searching for advice; to many in the business put to much emphasis on specific technologies rather than looking more holistically on the generic skillset offered. Probably because its more well defined and easy to search for a terms like React, Vue, .NET and what not.